Summer : 2024

Dear Member,:

Welcome to the Summer Term at Bristol Music Club, when we have eight excellent concerts, as you will see from the attached programme (also on the Club website As you may have gathered at the AGM, we are delighted that the concerts are well attended, and we encourage you to arrive in good time, to ensure a place, sincewe have sometimes nearly exceeded the capacity of the Hall (80 in the Audience), However, members are sometimes delayed owing to traffic and difficulty parking, and it will usually be possible to wait in the Foyer until there is a pause in the programme before entering the Hall.

Following the successful damp-proofing and renovation of the Hall, Foyer, Bar and Kitchen last Summer, the Company is considering damp-proofing and renovation of the remaining parts of the club, including the toilets, which will probably be undertaken during the Summer Holiday this year. We hope it will be possible to complete the work before the beginning of the Autumn Term, though unexpected delays may mean arranging an alternative venue for the first concert, as happened last year, and if necessary you will be informed beforehand.

We still have 3 vacancies on the Committee (for up to 3 years) and, would like to hear from any member who could help with welcoming visitors, and assisting during the interval serving drinks. Please talk to me or any committee member if you would like to discuss this.

We look forward to the first concert this term on Tuesday 9th April, when Daniella Acker and Daniel Lloyd will be performing an excellent and varied programme for two pianos. I am sorry about the short notice. Please bring along friends if possible, so that they can enjoy the high standard of musicianship in our friendly atmosphere, and be inspired to join as members.

With many thanks for your continuing support, and best wishes, Victor Barley On behalf of the Music Club Committee.